Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What is the movie's file format?

What is the movie's file format? You can try to convert it to a different format, which would give you a smaller file.Mpeg, is a common one, how ever flv player some quality less is a possibility.There's also AVI, MP4, WAV. As well as others.Depending on how long the movie is and what you want to watch said movie on, eg. DVD player, computer. As some formats are NOT supported on DVD players. However some of the newer free flv downloader DVD players are now compatible with a majority of media.So in short AVI is the most common and it is compressed, the standard movies that are roughly 90mins long are compressed down to around 700mb. AVI is the one I would go for, but it is rarely playable in DVD's. The choice is yours.

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